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Auth.js is committed to type-safety, so it's written in TypeScript and comes with its own type definitions to use in projects. Even if you don't use TypeScript, IDEs like VSCode will pick this up to provide you with a better developer experience. While you are typing, you will get suggestions about what certain objects/functions look like, and sometimes links to documentation, examples, and other valuable resources.


Check out the Database Adapters: TypeScript section.

Module Augmentation

Auth.js libraries come with certain interfaces that are shared across submodules and different Auth.js libraries (For example: next-auth and @auth/prisma-adapter will rely on types from @auth/core).

Good examples of such interfaces are Session or User. You can use TypeScript's Module Augmentation to extend these types to add your own properties.

Why not use generics?
The interfaces that are shared across submodules are not passed to Auth.js library functions as generics.

Whenever these types are used, the functions always expect to return these formats. With generics, one might be able to override the type in one place, but not the other, which would cause the types to be out of sync with the implementation.

With module augmentation, you defined the types once, and you can be sure that they are always the same where it's expected.

Let's look at Session for example:

// auth.ts
import NextAuth, { type DefaultSession } from "next-auth"

declare module "@auth/core" {
* Returned by `useSession`, `getSession` and received as a prop on the `SessionProvider` React Context
interface Session {
user: {
/** The user's postal address. */
address: string
// By default, TypeScript merges new interface properties and overwrite existing ones. In this case, the default session user properties will be overwritten, with the new one defined above. To keep the default session user properties, you need to add them back into the newly declared interface
} & DefaultSession["user"] // To keep the default types

export const { auth } = NextAuth({
callbacks: {
session({ session, token, user }) {
// session.user.address is now a valid property, and will be type-checked
// in places like `useSession().data.user` or `auth().user`
return session

Module augmentation is not limitied to specific interfaces. You can augment almost anything, but here are some of the more common interfaces that you might need to override in based on your use-case:

declare module "@auth/core" {
* The shape of the user object returned in the OAuth providers' `profile` callback,
* or the second parameter of the `session` callback, when using a database.
interface User {}
* The shape of the account object returned in the OAuth providers' `account` callback,
* Usually contains information about the provider being used, like OAuth tokens (`access_token`, etc).
interface Account {}

* Returned by `useSession`, `auth`, contains information about the active session.
interface Session {}

// The `JWT` interface can be found in the `next-auth/jwt` submodule
import { JWT } from "@auth/core/jwt"

declare module "@auth/core/jwt" {
/** Returned by the `jwt` callback and `auth`, when using JWT sessions */
interface JWT {
/** OpenID ID Token */
idToken?: string

The module declaration can be added to any file that is included in your project.

  1. TypeScript documentation: Module Augmentation
  2. Digital Ocean: Module Augmentation in TypeScript